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BitNinja increases the server load

What process is responsible We need to check what process is responsible for the increased load. To do so: Run htop or top command, htop is more user-friendlySort the processes according to memory usagein htop press F6 and select the PERCENT_MEM option at the left side with the arro...

Allow list based on domain

We have to allow listed the most trusted and popular services based on domains a long time ago to make sure our customers have the most secure yet smoothest experience while using BitNinja. However, there were a few services that could not be allow listed based on IP addresses, as their list of IP ...

(D)DoS detection

DoS vs DDoSThe server’s load is high due to (Distributed) Denial of Service attacks ((D)DoS).In the case of DoS attacks, there are multiple connections established from an IP, and BitNinja will block the IP address if the number of connections reaches our threshold. In the case of DDoS, the at...