My server doesn’t show up at the Dashboard

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Our health checking service does not reach a running BitNinja agent on the server.This can be because BitNinja is not running on the server or the ports required are not open on the server or on the firewall in front of the server.

After you executed the one-line installation command and you still see “Waiting for agent heartbeat..“ under the installation command.

If you installed BitNinja on the server but you are still on the same page please check the box under the installation command. If you see this then the installation was successful. Please click on the servers menu at the top left or click on the JUMP TO SEVER LIST button. The new server should appear there.

Is BitNinja running?

First, we need to check whether BitNinja is running on the server, you can do that with the service bitninja status command.

BitNinja is running on the server, but the BitNinja agent is not detected

Check if the ports below are open on your server/firewall

ProtocolPortBitNinja module(s)
TCP60412CaptchaHttp, CaptchaSmtp
TCP60210CaptchaFtp (active)
TCP60211-60250CaptchaFtp (passive)
TCP60300, 60414WAF HTTP
TCP60414, 60415SslTerminating
TCP60416TrustedProxy HTTP
TCP60417TrustedProxy HTTPS

If these ports are closed please open the ports. The agent’s heartbeat should be detected within a few minutes.

Port 60418 is only required for the CaptchaHttps service if you are using cPanel/WHM. Otherwise, it’s not required.
f the server is still not available please don’t hesitate to contact our support ninjas from the Dashboard via chat or via email at or send us a ticket here.

BitNinja is not running on the server

Use service bitninja start command and the BitNinja agent’s heartbeat should be registered in a few minutes

If the agent started but the agent’s heartbeat is still not detected please refer to the previous point.
“BitNinja is running on the server, but the BitNinja agent is not detected“

Later, check if BitNinja is still running on the server if BitNinja stops on the server please contact our support team and show them the content of /var/log/bitninja/error.log and /var/log/bitninja/main.log files
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