I bought my License at Plesk but I can’t see my server in Plesk

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Plesk is one of BitNinja’s resellers and they have their own license key. This issue is usually because BitNinja was installed with a license key that was not purchased from Plesk as there was another BitNinja account created directly under BitNinja.

You can uninstall BitNinja completely and reinstall BitNinja from Plesk

  • Your BitNinja license key from Plesk should look like RSK__PLESK__YourLicenseKey
  • You should have received an email from Plesk with the BitNinja license key.
  1. Uninstall BitNinja from your server:
    1. Use the service bitninja stop command to stop BitNinja
    2. On Debian based distributions: use apt-get purge ‘bitninja*’; On Rpm based distribution: yum remove ‘bitninja*’
  2. In Plesk control panel go to Tools & Settings/License Management/
  3. Click on “Additional License Keys“ at the top
  4. Click on Install key
  5. Upload the license key as a file or enter the Activation key if you have 17.8 or later version of Plesk then click okay
  6. Go to the BitNinja Plesk extension and click on the Activation link under the Buy License tab.
  7. Click on the Log in link at the left bottom and log in with your existing account
  8. Go to the Plesk BitNinja extension, your Plesk License key should appear here.
  9. Click on Install agent and wait until the installation process is complete

You can also modify the BitNinja license key file to include the license key that you bought from Plesk.

  1. Open /etc/bitninja/license.php with your preferred text editor
    e.g: nano /etc/bitninja/license.php
  2. Insert your License key provided by Plesk after the ‘license_key’ => variable
    1. Your BitNinja license key from Plesk should look like RSK__PLESK__YourLicenseKey
    2. You should have an email from Plesk with the BitNina license key.
  3. Restart BitNinja with service bitninja restart You can also modify the BitNinja license key file to include the license key that you bought from Plesk.
  4. Now you can log in and use your original BitNinja account to manage your BitNinja agent.
You can also use your Plesk plugin with a license key directly purchased from BItNinja

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